Saturday, July 5, 2008

Crab Season Opens, July 2nd, 2008

July 1st... it's almost midnight when I hear Clints' truck pull into the driveway. I get out of bed, go upstairs and help him bring in his gear for the night... compiling mostly of doggie bed, doggie food, doggie wee-wee pads, orange juice and a bucket of scallops.

He curls up on the futon while his little dogs explore my place. They're little, they're cute.... we go to sleep a little before 1AM and then one of the dogs wanted out at 0430. So, I could not see myself going back to sleep -- so I got up, started breakfast & managed to get myself a cup of coffee.

Clint shucked the scallops and threw them in a frying pan. We had a decent breakfast before we loaded up all the gear and head down to the Langley Marina.

Paul was already there.

We geared up, discussed the dive plan,

"Try to stick together, but if we get separated, no big deal, right"?

Long story short, I ended up to the North, Clint ended up to the South and Paul - master navigator he must be- ended up right in the middle where he was supposed to be.

I had come across a 'clam shell graveyard' and there were hundreds of Rock crab all over -- most of the Dungeness were female. *shucks* But we did manage to bag a few legal crab between the 3 of us.

We came back to my place where we boiled them up in the outdoor propane grill. I threw some party wings and some prawns wrapped in bacon on the BBQ and we enjoyed our Surface Interval, chit-chatting and having lunch.

Somewhere in there though, we all fell asleep and took a little nappy-poo.

Around 1430, Paul & I woke up and tousled Clint off of the futon. We packed up our gear and went back down to Langley for dive #2.

We did a lot better sticking together this time. All in all we managed to come up with 27 legal crab. We went back to my place, fired up the propane grill -- shared a pizza and off we went out separate ways. Okay well, I went back into my house and plopped my butt down to watch Deadwood.

I'm pooped! Hunting is hard work and who'da thunk them crabs can crawl so fast? ;)

Wish we had more this size... this one had over a 7" carapace...